We recently asked Kelly to describe what Training Camps have taught her about PGB, the Members in PGB Training Camps, and herself! Check it out.
-Almost a living organism. It changes, morphs and improves with each camp based on
the feedback, reaction and participation of the camp attendees. PGB relies on its
flexibility to continue to serve the population that needs it most. Case in point…with
Angies’s leadership, PGB camps have grown to include virtual sessions.
-Truly the only fitness program that embraces ALL walks of life: fit/couch potato;
male/female; introvert/extrovert; depressed/elated; rich/poor….etc. It doesn’t matter!! If
you want PGB it wants you!!
-Without exception participants in training camps achieve success! Success is measured
by the individual and their perception of it. For example: the ONLY time I ever had a
participant walk out of a training camp I felt horrible! I felt I had failed her because she
couldn’t feel any measure of success even though she was doing fine. In the end, she
came back the second day and apologized saying she learned more about herself in this
camp than any other physical challenge she had undergone prior. She was used to being
a “natural” and “the best” and when this wasn’t the case, she didn’t know how to react.
She thanked us for giving her that learning opportunity and in my mind achieving a
different level of success.
-Each and every member is an equal part of the whole team during training camp. They
all offer their strengths and weaknesses that make up the ingredients for the outcome of
the camp. As PGB is a living organism, each participant of a training camp is a living
cell that is part of the host organism. It would not be complete without each member.
-I absolutely THRIVE on the energy, enthusiasm, camaraderie, compassion, and life of a
training camp! The unequivocal best part of PGB for me. I feel the emotions of the
participants at a cellular level. I feel the frustration and then revel in the AHA moments.
I celebrate little successes and huge accomplishments. I grow as a person, a coach, a
PGB member, a team player, a leader and a human being with each training camp I
attend. No words can adequately express the atmosphere and the feelings of the
participants in training camps nor can they express the sheer joy I feel as being a PGB