Catherine is an Amateur Trainer from Cheyenne, WY.
Reminder: We can do hard things.
Catherine got her start in PGB in a unique way. An old neighbor came to visit her father-in-law just before he passed on from cancer. While visiting, she mentioned she was part of Pink Gloves Boxing. After he passed, Catherine, her daughter, and her niece decided they needed a healthy outlet to work through the pain.She looked PGB up on Facebook and went to their next demo night. They were immediately hooked!
With a start in January 2020, Catherine and crew stuck with the program in the gym, then on zoom, and eventually outdoors. No matter where they were, strong bonds still formed. No matter what obstacles get in the way, they keep fighting to be the best version of themselves and encourage each other along the way.
PGB has sparked the fire in Catherine to remember that she can do hard things.
“Just when I think I’m finished, because of the encouragement of the PGB family, I find I can go just a little bit further! Empowerment is contagious…when one person understands what they are capable of and believes in themselves, they share that confidence and others begin to believe in themselves.”
Our 3 Tools of Empowerment are unique for each boxer. Here’s Catherine’s take:
Fun: Sometimes we switch it up and work out with drumsticks & rock out like no one’s watching!
Community: We celebrate milestones in each other’s lives through words of encouragement, meeting up for walks or coffee, and a group chat where we can share the ups and downs of life and support one another.
Achievement: During the pandemic, one trainer in the club challenged herself to match all the burpees done during an outdoor course that she wasn’t able to attend the week before – ended up being 560 burpees! Our trainer couldn’t let her go it alone and volunteered to match which inspired my daughter & I to do the same. We broke it down into an hourly goal which helped us complete those 560 burpees in one day. Amazing what you can do with your tribe cheering you on!